Purgatory Academy
"Purgatory Academy," a graphic novel series unfolding the destinies of young souls meeting an early fate. With 4 years to decide their eternal fate—Heaven or Hell—these youths navigate a captivating blend of supernatural elements, moral dilemmas, and personal growth. As they grapple with their pasts, forge friendships, and confront their inner demons, the series delves into profound themes, offering a visually stunning and emotionally resonant journey through the uncharted realms of the afterlife.
Pick Up Where You Left Off
Book 1 Index
Book 2 Index
- Breaking Into Phase 2 2.1
- Hell Is Locked From The Inside 2.1.2
- A Game To Train The Mind 2.2.1
- First Mover's Advantage 2.2.2
- The Setup 2.3.1
- (Don't) Do It! 2.3.2
- Weight Of The Heart 2.3.3
- A Friendly Face 2.4.1
- No One's At Fault 2.4.2
- Gifts to Riches 2.4.3
- Commitment 2.5.1
- How Little Is Enough? 2.5.2
- Black And White In A World Of Gray 2.5.3
- Enter: The Beast 2.6.1
- Different Academy, Same Purgatory 2.6.2
- Trust The Plan 2.7.1
- Gone Awry 2.7.2
- The World Keeps Spinning 2.8
- Reputations and Rumors 2.9.1
- Strengths And Weaknesses 2.9.2
- The Best Objective is Subjective 2.9.3
- Think About It 2.10.1
- I'll See Ya Later 2.10.2